Sunday, July 27, 2014

Learn Portuguese - Greeting

This is my first post of Portuguese (my native language) and I'll start teaching you some portuguese greeting, this is for beginers in portuguese or if you'll start learning portuguese.

Hello/Hi - Olá/Oi
Good morning - Bom dia
Good afternoon - Boa tarde
Good evening - Boa noite
Welcome - Bem-vindo
How are you? (friendly) - Tudo bem?
How are you? (polite) - Como vai?
I'm fine, thank you - Bem, obrigado
And you? (friendly) - E tu?
Good - Bom
Not so good - Não muito bem
Thank you - Obrigado
Thank you (very much) - Muito Obrigado
You're welcome! (for "thank you") - De nada
My pleasure - O prazer é meu
Come in! (or: enter!) - Entra
Make yourself at home! - Sente-te á vontade / Sente-te como se tivesses em casa

This will help you to start learning portuguese, if you liked share this with your friends, thank you.


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