Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Learn Russian - The Russian Alphabet

Hello everybody, today I gonna teach you the russian alphabet, this is not so hard like you think, in 1 day you can learn this, I learned in just some minutes, but that is me, so here is the alphabet you need memorize: 

А - a (a)
Бbɛ (b)
Вvɛ (v)
Г - gɛ (g)
Дdɛ (d)
Е - yɛ (e)
Ё - yo (o)
Ж - zhɛ (zh/j)
Зzɛ (z)
Иi (i)
Й - i kratkoe (i/y)
Кka (k)
Лɛl' (l)
Мɛm (m)
Нɛn (n)
Оo (o)
Пpɛ (p)
Рɛr (r)
Сɛs (s)
Т - tɛ (t)
У - u (u)
Ф - fɛ (f)
Х - ra (h/kh)
Ц - tsɛ (ts)
Ч - chɛ (ch)
Ш - sha (sh)
Щ - chsh (chtch)
Ъ - tvyordy znak (´)
Ы - y (y)
Ь - miagkiy znak (')
Э - e oborotnoe (e)
Ю - yu (yu)
Я - ya (ya)

With the help of this video you can listen and make better you pronunce of the alphabet:

after that you just need to practice and in few houres or minutes you'll learn to say the russian alphabet, now you need learn to write the alphabet, this is another easy thing, with the help of this link you'll learn that: Click here.

- Portuguese Polyglot


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